Japan surrendered on August 10 and World War II ended.' A second atom bomb was dropped by a different crew on Nagasaki on August 9. 'Ferebee changed the world when he launched the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, August 6, 1945. How do real Americans, that is, those outside the confines of political Washington, feel about Ferebee? Let's take a look at a celebration in Mocksville in 1991 in which the town erected a marker to its famous son.Ī local news story of the occasion, unembellished with political nuances, read in part: He quietly answers accusations that he must feel guilty with 'all that blood on your hands,' responding firmly that he has never tossed and turned in his sleep, never second-guessed his country's decision and knows in his heart he was responsible for saving thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of lives - American lives.